Tuesday 5 June 2012

david reflection

I choose David because I think that in the second half of the book he is the most important character when excluding Tally. I think that he is a good example of a well opinionated character. He is also the main character of the smoke. Even though there is no real leader of the smoke David is the character who is best represented in this book.

David is also very well represented at this time in the book. The part which I am talking about is shortly after Tally has moved to into the settlement of the smoke. He is slightly suspicious of the time that Tally has come at. Because she has come so many days after her birthday. However he has become accustomed to her presence. Tally, Shay and David have become the main characters in the middle of the book and it the end it is just Tally and David because Shay along with the rest of the smoke have been taken away to the special circumstances. Making David  more of a main character.

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