Tuesday 5 June 2012

Shay refelection

I choose this character because she is one of the two people who will have the greatest opinion on the actions of Tally. Shay is was of Tally's friends but she has some mixed opinions of her actions. From the viewpoint of Tally they seem to become less friendly towards each other after they have both gotten to the smoke. For Shay it is not only towards Tally but she always seem to be more grumpy.

The point in the book that I am trying to represent is just after Tally has arrived at the smoke. I choose this point in the book for Shay because I thought that this was the most important part of her life that is represented in the first book of the series.  At this point in time she seems to be slightly agitated with the attention that tally is getting, especially the attention that she is getting from David.

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