Title: Uglies
Author: Scott Westerfeld
4.5 of 5 Stars
I found this book to be very interesting. Although it is set in the future, the book still deals with something that is happening today - what humans, as well as society, call "pretty". In the book when a person goes through a surgery they go from being "ugly" to "pretty". In the modern society we have an idea that is set in our head, and that is what we call pretty. In Uglies when the people transform from being "Ugly" to being "Pretty" they find out that looks are not the only thing that changes. The government is given control of these people. Many people may not realize that the media decides what and who is pretty. And this is what the book is about. When Tally, the main character, is forced to go to the smoke, a place that is all uglies, she meets a person named Avid and he has never seen a "pretty", and because of this he doesn't judge the uglies to be ugly he thinks that they are pretty. This shows that what "pretty" is has been decided by the government. And when someone is not exposed to what the government has created they see what they think is real beauty, not what the government wants them to think. The end of the book is very open leaving the reader wondering what is going to happen next. If the reader doesn't want to read the following book in the series (Pretties) then the ending might be unsatisfying. Overall I found this book a good read. The vocabulary is at a lower level. This book may open the eyes of many people to what this modern day society has become. Beauty should not be able to be fixed with surgery whether it is with plastic surgery in this world or if it is the pretty surgery that is performed in the book. I do not think that children under the age of 10 will fully understand this book. When finished reading this extraordinary adventure I found myself wanting to read the next book in the series. The author led me to love and hate some of the characters in the book, and it kept me always wondering what was going to happen next. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in social justices.
About the New Book Cover. I choose this as my book cover because this is a regular person. And in the world of the uglies an ugly is a regular person. In no way are they ugly, it is just a regular preson that is in the age range of 12 and 16. It has nothing to do with their beauty it is only related to their age.
Good review, Koulie. Check your spelling.